Our Mission & Vision


At Me Dhe Për Kosovën, we are driven by a collective vision of empowerment and progress. Far from seeking to be heroes, we recognize that sustainable change begins at the individual level. Our mission is to equip every Kosovar with the tools and skills necessary to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.

We firmly believe that an empowered individual forms the bedrock of a thriving society. To this end, Me Dhe Për Kosovën is committed to fostering a culture of personal development and self-reliance. Through targeted programs and initiatives, we aim to cultivate a diverse array of skills essential for success in today’s dynamic world.

Central to our mission is the cultivation of critical thinking, a skill indispensable for navigating complex issues and making informed decisions. Moreover, we emphasize conflict resolution and teamwork, recognizing the importance of collaboration in achieving shared goals and fostering harmonious relationships within our communities.

In recognition of the unpredictable nature of life, we prioritize crisis management skills, equipping individuals with the tools to navigate adversity with composure and grace. Additionally, we offer training in basic accounting and planning, recognizing the importance of financial literacy and strategic foresight in achieving long-term goals.

Through our holistic approach to skill development, we aim to empower individuals to seize opportunities and overcome obstacles, thereby unlocking their full potential. At Me Dhe Për Kosovën, we believe that by investing in the capabilities of our people, we lay the foundation for a brighter, more prosperous future for Kosovo and beyond.


At Me Dhe Për Kosovën, we aspire to a future where the people of Kosovo embody the very essence of excellence, resilience, and leadership. Our vision transcends the confines of a utopian world; instead, we envision a society characterized by empowered individuals who are equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world with grace and purpose.

In our ideal Kosovo, every citizen is a beacon of inspiration and innovation, endowed with the skills and confidence to lead by example. We envision a nation where dialogue flourishes, and diverse perspectives are embraced as catalysts for progress. Within this inclusive society, individuals collaborate seamlessly, transcending barriers to overcome challenges and realize shared aspirations.

Central to our vision is the notion of opportunity – a Kosovo where every individual is afforded the chance to realize their full potential. Regardless of background or circumstance, each citizen is empowered to chart their own path, supported by a community that nurtures and celebrates their achievements.

As we look towards the future, we do so with optimism and humility, recognizing that the journey ahead is shaped by the collective efforts of our people. While the specifics of the ideas and innovations that will propel us forward remain unknown, we embrace the opportunity to journey alongside our fellow Kosovars, guiding and supporting them as they shape the destiny of our nation.

At Me Dhe Për Kosovën, our commitment is unwavering: to foster a culture of excellence, leadership, and inclusivity that empowers every individual to realize their dreams and contribute meaningfully to the collective tapestry of Kosovo’s future. Together, we strive towards a tomorrow that is brighter, more equitable, and filled with boundless opportunity for all.