Tryeza e Rrumbullakët me Temën “E Tashmja dhe e Ardhmja e Sistemit Informativ Shëndetësor (SISH) në Kosovë”

Tryezën e Rrumbullakët me temën “E Tashmja dhe e Ardhmja e Sistemit Informativ Shëndetësor (SISH) në Kosovë” (ENG: "The Present and Future of the Health Information System (HIS) in Kosovo")

Under the auspices of the “Kosovo We Want” platform, generously funded by FES, the Institute of Southeast Europe for Health and Social Policy, in collaboration with the esteemed NGO “With and For the Society,” convened a pivotal roundtable discussion centered on “The Present and Future of the Health Information System.” This initiative sought to convene key stakeholders within Kosovo’s healthcare sector and present the findings of the seminal research endeavor titled “Anticipating the Health Information System in 2020.” The discourse during this gathering drew upon tangible experiences from neighboring countries in the region and those boasting highly developed healthcare infrastructures.

Despite strides in healthcare delivery, Kosovo grapples with the absence of comprehensive and precise data on prevalent diseases. The existing information framework heavily relies on archaic paper-based record-keeping methods, hampering access to patients’ medical histories by providers and impeding efforts to glean insights into the populace’s overall health, disease burden, and more.

The Basic Health Information System (BHIS) encompasses an array of modules spanning staff and credential management, reception, medical history, visitation records, reporting, personalized tables, audit trails, and meeting scheduling. This comprehensive system has been deployed across 29 Family Medicine Centers, extending its reach to tertiary healthcare facilities. However, during the testing phase, it became evident that primary healthcare professionals possess limited proficiency in computer literacy, underscoring the need for targeted training initiatives to bridge this gap.

An inherent advantage of the BHIS lies in its governance structure, with the Ministry of Health retaining ownership. This ensures robust data protection protocols and stringent access controls, safeguarding sensitive patient information and fostering trust among stakeholders.

Moving forward, several strategic recommendations emerge to steer the evolution of Kosovo’s healthcare landscape. First and foremost, policymakers must articulate a clear vision and strategic objectives, fostering transparency and garnering support from all vested parties. Involving end-users from the nascent stages of system design fosters a sense of ownership and promotes informed decision-making during implementation. Additionally, a concerted effort should be made to prioritize clinics based on their significance in data generation and financial impact, enabling tailored policy interventions and resource allocation. Comprehensive staff training initiatives are imperative to ensure proficient system utilization and the generation of high-quality data, underscoring the importance of ongoing professional development. Moreover, the incorporation of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) into the BHIS framework promises to revolutionize reimbursement mechanisms, aligning financial allocations with patient demographics, health complexities, and illness severity, thus optimizing resource utilization and enhancing patient care delivery.

In our pursuit of a healthcare system aligned with the aspirations of Kosovo, let us champion the evolution of the Health Information System, embodying the Kosovo we envision for generations to come.

Furthermore, fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among healthcare professionals and IT specialists is paramount to harnessing the full potential of the Health Information System. By cultivating interdisciplinary partnerships and facilitating cross-sectoral dialogue, stakeholders can leverage collective expertise to address systemic challenges and drive innovation in healthcare delivery. Collaborative initiatives such as workshops, conferences, and knowledge exchange programs can serve as conduits for fostering synergy and co-creation, paving the way for transformative advancements in healthcare technology.

Moreover, embracing a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability is essential to ensuring the long-term sustainability and efficacy of the Health Information System. As technology evolves and healthcare paradigms shift, stakeholders must remain agile and responsive to emerging trends and evolving patient needs. By fostering a culture of innovation and agility within the healthcare ecosystem, Kosovo can position itself at the forefront of digital healthcare transformation, driving positive outcomes for patients, providers, and society at large. Through ongoing collaboration, strategic foresight, and a steadfast commitment to excellence, Kosovo can chart a course toward a future where healthcare is not just accessible and efficient but truly transformative.