Introduction Most managers believe that the managerial role is a broader version of managing themselves, neglecting the fact that management is the responsibility for the performance of a group of people. Managers also neglect the fact that this responsibility requires them to influence not only peoples’ thoughts, but also their feelings which drive their actions. Thus, undoubtedly, management remains one of...
Founded in 1950 by two scientists, American Radiatronics Corporation is one of the leading producers in the nuclear electronics industry. Part of the American Radiatronics Corporation, the nuclear tube assembly room is a production unit which, around 24 months earlier, was known to be a highly problematic one. Workers within this unit were recognized as stubborn troublemakers, causing production to...
Kosovo – A short profile Positioned in the Southeastern Europe, Kosovo is the newest country in Europe, declaring its independence from Serbia in the year 2008. With a land area of 10,900 km2, Kosovo has a population of 1.8 million, of which 38 percent is under 19 years of age (World Bank, 2015). The war in Kosovo left the economy of the...
DONNER AND EIIC – CASE ANALYSIS nga Beyzanur Dogan Zeka ...
MOUNT EVEREST – 1996 – CASE ANALYSIS nga Alban A. Zeka ...
Masat Efiçiente në Ndërtesat Publike nga Shend Boshnjaku ...
Këshilla nga Lulëjetë Prekazi, MSc. Psikologji Klinike Këshilla për vetkujdes dhe ruajtje të mirëqenies psikologjike ...
Armend Kelmendi Shkruan Armend Kelmendi, këshillues i së drejtës sportive dhe ndërmjetës në futboll [Partner Menaxhues, AK Sports Consulting & Partners L.L.C. dhe AY Sports Management AG]. Situata aktuale dhe pasojat e mundshme të pandemisë për industrinë e futbollit si: mospërmbushja e obligimeve kontraktuale ndaj lojtarëve, sponzorëve dhe kontraktuesëve; nevoja për rishqyrtim të rregulloreve në fuqi të FIFA-s, sidomos atyre për...